Thursday, September 16, 2010

INSPIRATION: Creativity & Style

There is A LOT of inspiration on this blog! Check it out!

I've had about 10 tabs open on my browser for the past week of wonderful wedding ideas that I kept telling myself I would look at it later.  Well, now is later and the creativity behind some of the wedding ideas is truly amazing.

A wedding is one of the few times where its perfectly acceptable and expected for it to be all about you. I think that's exactly what a wedding should be, it would be fake if it wasn't.  There are many color schemes and themes that are not my style but I can't help but to admire how well done it is, making for a fab shindig.  I'm also learning how lighting done right can be a beautiful yet inexpensive way to decorate any venue.  So here's what I've seen around the web that I think is beautiful. 

Courtesy of:    

More pink/black/platinum inspiration

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