Sunday, September 5, 2010

9.5.2010 Diary: No Thank You...We Will Pass On Your Advice...

That's what my gf said when I presented her with the idea of having a bowl asking for people to give advice to the newly married couple (us, of course) at our wedding.  This was so funny to me simply because whenever I ask my gf a question, I rarely get a definitive yes or no.  It's usually, "whatever you want to do, babe", but when I asked her about this I got a loud and clear "NO!"  LOL!

I was inspired by the picture on the right, which I thought was a good idea. But my gf clearly pointed out that most people in her family aren't in happy relationships and/or are on marriage #3.  And I can honestly say that most people in my family aren't in relationships, period.  As the saying goes, never take advice from anyone you wouldn't want to trade places with.  Asking someone who never had a strong, happy and fruitful relationship about how to have a great marriage is like asking a poor man how to be rich.  I still think this is a great idea, especially if you have people whom you know can provide good insight and tips.  But for our wedding, it's a no-go.

But here are some ideas that we plan on using:

What an awesome idea!  A coloring book for the kiddies to give them something to do...if even for just a few minutes.
Of course, the cover would be different!  But this is genius and simple!

These are memory candles. What an awesome way to honor the memory of loved ones who have departed.  I want to do this in honor of my mom.  I figure we can do a few and my sisters and brothers can each take one.

All photos courtesy of:

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